Get start:
# Revert changes to modified files.
git reset --hard
# Remove all untracked files and directories.
git clean -fd
git reset --hard (HEAD~1 or head number)
git reset --soft (HEAD~1 or head number)
7. revert a single file :
git checkout filename
git reset --hard will revert all changes.
8. Avoid others' changes in my check in records
git checkout master
git pull -rebase
git checkout -b your-branch
git commit -m "something"
git commit -m "more things"
git checkout master
git pull -rebase (put your commit on the top of the stack) or git pull -r
git checkout your-branch
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge your-branch ==> fast forward push
9. git rebase -i HEAD~2
combine last two commits