I enabled desktop cube through compiz, I think I enabled rotate cube as well and then I noticed that I suddenly had no Maximize, minimize, or top of my windows anymore! I think it is a compiz problem because when I reboot in "low graphics" fail safe mode, it looks and works fine.
Basically the problem its not with the unity, or compiz. just that, the upstream ( ubuntu team) had did some changes that cause lots of trouble for the rest of the downstream. but the fixes are pretty simple.
open menu >compizconfig settings manager
in compiz, do this, step by step, ( it must be done step by step!) :
disable this stuffs:
i) OpenGL
ii) Composite
iii) Desktop wall.
Select disable plugins when a window appears asking for disabling other plugins.
After disabling these plugins your panels, menu bar, minimize maximize menu may dissapear. don't panic!!! follow next step.
2. Now enable these plugins sequentially.
iii)Desktop cube
iv)Rotate cube
Some conflicts may occur.Conflicts occur when same buttons are assigned to two or more actions.
After all these steps you screen may response abnormally.Don't worry. restart your machine and follow next steps.
3.Here start the actual work.
1. You need 4 workspaces or Desktop for cube effects.In compiz settings manager select General options -> Desktop Size under General tab. Set Horizontal Virtual size to 4. Set Vertical Virtual size and Number of Desktop to 1.
2.Enable Desktop Cube,Rotate cube,3D windows and Cube reflection and deformation.Enable all other plugins if any window appears asking for supporting plugin to be enabled.
3.Goto Desktop cube->Transparent Cube and set Opacity during rotation to 75 or as per your convenience.
4.Goto Cube Reflection and Deformation -> Deformation. set Deformation to none. You can change the image appearing at top and bottom of cube in Cube Caps tab.
5.Goto Rotate Cube->Bindings->Rotate cube.See if binding is default set to
<control><Alt>Left and <control><Alt>Right or change it as your desire.
Thanks to Mint forum.
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